In matters of Collective
Negotiation, González García Abogados, S.C.,
has professionals specialized in labor-related subjects with the sufficient
experience to represent employers in negotiations with unions, in the celebration
of new Collective Contracts and its Tabulator of Positions and Salaries,
negotiation of Interior Work Laws and with the inspection of the same.
Once a company gets involved with any union, either
local or national, creating bonds through the celebration of a Collective
Contract or any other instrument of the same nature, at least once a year,
the union can solicit the Inspection of the Tabulator of Positions and
Salaries and/or the Collective Contract, depending on the case, for the
said reason we, in representation of the employer,
intervene in the negotiations with the union reviewing
and analyzing the proposals of the union and the consequences if these
are accepted, proposing to the employer in its case, counterproposals
or forms to resolve the conflict without the necessity to cause a strike
or individual labor lawsuits.
In general, the lawyers that represent this office
can intervene in this negotiations of collective character, furthermore,
in those referring to the interpretation or supposed violations of the
We are specialists in:
The preparation and celebration of Collective Contracts and Interior
Work Laws.
Negotiations of Collective Contracts and Tabulators of Positions
and Salaries.
Termination of Collective Work Relations.
Negotiations of every type of collective conflicts. |